Friday, February 7, 2025 - Business articles and catalog of business

On our blog, you can read unique articles about business, how to run it. All kinds of additional articles that will help you with running your business or finding your niche. We also offer placement services in our company directory thanks to the creation of a business page on our website. We are constantly updating the content on our website.

Latest blog entries

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Creation of a business page on the website is a site that allows you to create a one-page optimized landing page-like page for businesses. A small, medium or even large business will not need a main or additional landing page (one-page site).

How is it done? Your page is created on our website – see examples of placement.

Examples of already created pages

Seven (7) advantages of creating a business page on the website

  1. It is cheaper than creating a separate site. You don’t need to buy a domain and hosting. But there is an opportunity to connect any of your domains. Your site will not disappear if you forget to pay for hosting and domain.
  2. Everything is created quickly according to your theme of activity with your contacts.
  3. The page is created forever, it can be deleted only at your request.
  4. The page created on our site is almost no different from a full-fledged Landing Page.
  5. Additional services are possible only if you need them, for example, changing some data or adding data to an already created page.
  6. Creation time is just one working day.
  7. Payment for creation and placement services is on the actual basis.

The page created on the website is an effective and inexpensive way to present your brand

100% Nice design
100% Suitable for anyone
100% Efficiency

The price of creating a page is UAH 600 with third-party advertising, UAH 1300 with advertising disabled

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